The Operator's Profile

Name: The Operator
Level / Points:

4,850 points
I am a: Backpacker - I prefer backpacking over hiking
I go hiking: Once per month
I usually go on hikes that are: Moderate to Difficult
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Boston, Massachusetts
Country: United States
State: Georgia
City: Atlanta
Postal Code/ZIP: 30307
My Best Hike: Foothills Trail, North Carolina - January 2001.
Best Hike Description: "We had single digit temps that night, but The Camel stoked up a mean fire."
My Worst Hike: Blood Mountain Wilderness, Georgia - November 2002.
Worst Hike Description: "Wet wood made for an excessively smoky campsite ."
A Memorable Trail Moment: Nantahala National Forest, North Carolina - December 2001. "Wild Turkey's woke us up around 7am in the morning. They can make some racket."

The Operator's Hikes

The Operator's Trip Reports