Otto's Bunker - February 18, 2006 - Member Trip Report

Hike Name: Otto's Bunker
Country: United States
State: South Carolina
Trip Rating: 4 stars
Trip Date: February 18, 2006
Duration: 1 day
Trail Conditions: Fair to Good
Trail Traffic: None
Trip Weather: Cloudy
Trip Winds: Light to Moderate
Trip Precipitation: Showers
Trip Temperature: High: 61-70, Low: 31-40 degrees Fahrenheit
Trip Report: We seemed to miss the brunt of the front and rain that is passing over the southeast today while Charlotte and Atlanta got hammered. All of us woke up late after a Hold'em game that ended after 2:30am. Sikle, The Camel and The Operator all won at various times last night and we played cards for at least four hours in the bunker. Wild Turkey's cousin, Scott, cruised back to Charleston by noon since he had to work. Wild Turkey also headed to Charleston for a surprise baby shower. So the Operator, Camel and I hiked back into the forests of the farm along an old fire road and hunted for an old cypress swamp at the back of the property line. I ended up heading back early to take the boat out and do some fishing while Sikle did the same from the shore. He is slated to move to Tampa in the coming weeks, so this is a last hurrah for him in a sense. I caught two fish this afternoon, the changing weather conditions and lower temps made the fishing much more difficult than last night.

We collected some firewood this afternoon, then stoked up a fire as the weather front passed over and the temps fell. Wild Turkey returned around 4pm, which gave us enough time to visit the nearby Santee State Park briefly. Then we drove into town for a BBQ feast after we retrieved Sikle who was still back at the farm. It was a nice night to sit by the fire, but we headed in around 10pm to play some Euchre after Wild Turkey sacked out early. Sikle, The Camel and I stayed up until about 2am.


The Operator

4,850 points



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