Chattahoochee River - Gold Branch - December 19, 2020 - Member Trip Report

Hike Name: Chattahoochee River - Gold Branch
Country: United States
State: Georgia
Trip Rating: 4 stars
Trip Date: December 19, 2020
Duration: 1 hour
Trail Conditions: Good
Trail Traffic: Heavy
Trip Weather: Partly Sunny, Partly Cloudy
Trip Winds: Light
Trip Precipitation: None
Trip Temperature: High: 41-50, Low: Below 0 degrees Fahrenheit
Trip Report: There's been a few changes at the trailhead since I last hiked here. There is still a fee to hike here ($5), but you now must scan a code at the trailhead with your smartphone and pay electronically - after you set up an account. Also, the national park service had numerous signs restricting parking to the designated lot - which isn't very big. If you come here on a weekend, you may have to wait for someone to leave before you find parking.

Once we hit the trailhead, however, things got much easier. We took the second most outer loop and hiked the ridgeline then dropped down to the Chattahoochee River and hiked a while along the water. This is a nice winter hike when the leaves are off the trees because you have decent views from the ridges, and you have year-round views from the trail at the river. Most everyone that I passed had a dog - so it's pretty dog friendly, but leashes are required.

The best thing about this area is that there are multiple loops that you can take depending on the distance you want to hike. They all start and end at the same place, and our route took just over an hour and was ~3.0 miles.



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