neel gap to low gap shelter - August 5, 2014 - Member Trip Report

Hike Name: neel gap to low gap shelter
Country: United States
State: Alabama
Trip Rating: 4 stars
Trip Date: August 5, 2014
Duration: 14 hours
Trail Conditions: Good
Trail Traffic: Light
Trip Weather: Sunny
Trip Winds: None
Trip Precipitation: None
Trip Temperature: High: 51-60, Low: 71-80 degrees Fahrenheit
Trip Report: This hike started where I camped on the hill above mountain crossings outfitter at neel gap. I made hash browns for breakfast and discovered the mouse that had tried to get in my tent last night sitting on a log next to where I was cooking. Startled by the mouse I spilled some of my hash browns and the mouse kept trying to get the food before I was even done cooking. Just as my food was almost done I realized I could not find my spork so I decided I would hike back to mountain crossings to buy a new one before continuing on the trail. So I hiked a 1/4 of a mile back to the store. I waited till they opened at ten am and after getting a new spork I headed out. My first concern was getting more water since I only had one bottle left after breakfast. However several of the springs listed in the guide book were dry. The first source of water I found was along swaim gap then I stopped for a short break at the cowrock mountain view before continuing across the tesnatee gap. This section was a bit confusing as the trail is not as well marked but I figured out after a bit then I bypassed the whilttley gap shelter and continued on to poor mountain where I again had to hunt to find water. Most of the water sources in this section were very shallow and hard to get water from. At last I arrived at the Low gap shelter. There was a nice creek and spring between the AT trail and where the shelter was located. There was no one else there so I decided to wash up a bit and then I cooked my dinner,and then I set up my tent in a designated spot, because the shelter appeared to be overrun with mice. I hung my food bag on the bear cables but discovered the next morning that the mice know where the cables are and they managed to chewe a hole in my bag to get a pack of peanut butter crackers.



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