The Chilkoot Trail - Member Hike

Hike Name: The Chilkoot Trail
Country: Canada
Province: British Columbia
Nearby Town: Skagway, Alaska
Rating: 5 stars
Directions: DYEA – The southern terminus of the Chilkoot Trail (where 95% of backpackers choose to begin their journey) is nine miles north of Skagway on the Dyea Road. The trailhead is on the right side of the road just before you reach the Taiya River.

LAKE BENNETT – The White Pass and Yukon Railroad (907) 983-2217 is the best source of transportation to the northern terminus, which is located in the remote town of Bennett (which has no services, and isn’t really a functioning town anymore. In fact, the train station and the church are the only buildings in Bennett). One-way tickets are available for around $60 for adults (and about $30 for kids), but make sure you book passage in advance. The train can fill-up quickly during peak backpacking season.

Skagway is the closest town to Dyea. It can be reached easily by either air or boat from Juneau. We originally planned on using the Alaskan Marine Highway Ferry System, but they made constant changes to their schedule and we eventually cancelled the reservation and used the Skagway Air Service 907-983-2218 instead (which was about $150 per person, but was very scenic and saved us a ton of time.)
Total Hike Distance: 33.00 miles
Hike Difficulty: Very Difficult
Permit Required: Yes
Hike Type: One-Way, Shuttle Hike
Hike Starts: Dyea
Hike Ends: Lake Bennett
Trails Used: The Chilkoot Trail
Backcountry Campsites: Yes
Backcountry Water Sources: Streams, Rivers, Lakes, Snow
Management: National Park Service
Contact Information: Klondike Gold Rush National Park
National Forest Service/Parks Canada
Park Address/Phone Number:
P.O. Box 517, Skagway, AK 99840
(907) 983-2921
Best Season: Summer, Fall
Users: Hikers
Road Conditions: Primary Paved Roads, Maintained Gravel or Dirt Roads
Hike Summary: The Chilkoot Trail is a walk back in time. It follows the trail the stampeders used to reach the Yukon River and float their provisions to the gold fields of the Klondike. Many artifacts from the 1890’s still litter the trail, and there is great diversity along the way: swamps, desert, snowy mountain passes, lush canyons, and alpine lakes. The Chilkoot has it all, and on the 33+ miles of trail you'll cross from Alaska into the Yukon Territory over the Chilkoot Pass and eventually wind your way into British Columbia. The return trip to Skagway is equally impressive, and you'll ride on a historic rail line that is one of the most scenic in the world. If you seek adventure, great scenery, and history, you’ll love the Chilkoot.



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4 replies on “The Chilkoot Trail - Member Hike”

Loved the trail several years back. I think of all trails this is the best history and rugged landscape I’ve enjoyed in all of alaska. I spent an entire summer just traveling the back country from ketchecan to achorage and think alaska rocks.

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