jayemm's Profile

Name: jayemm
Level / Points:

4,650 points
I am a: Hiker/Backpacker - I enjoy both hiking and backpacking and have no preference
I go hiking: Several times a month
I usually go on hikes that are: Moderate to Difficult
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Bay Shore, NY
Country: United States
State: North Carolina
City: Winston-Salem
Postal Code/ZIP: 27106
Biography: Grew up on Long Island and now live in North Carolina. I love being out and enjoy any trail as long as I am away from crowds. My hiking partner is usually my dog, Loki. I also enjoy kayaking and bicycling.
My Best Hike: Foothills Trail
Best Hike Description: 32 intense and beautiful miles on the Foothills trail. Loved being out and there were very few people around.
My Worst Hike: Linville Gorge
Worst Hike Description: I love Linville Gorge, but got lost this one time right off the start. Ended up hiking more miles than planned and had to turn round and wound up camping right next to the car. It rained and hailed on us. It was a rough day/night, but we survived.
A Memorable Trail Moment: There are many moments, but one time I decided to hammock camp in winter and ended up with snow drifts on my sleeping bag and surrounded by about four inches of snow.
Dumbest Trail Move: A solar light water bottle cap that fits on my water bottle. It's heavy and never works right.
Trails That I Want To Hike: Bartram Trail, MST, The John Muir trail, and many others.

jayemm's Hikes

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