Yellowstone National Park - Hellroaring Creek - June 25, 1998 - Member Trip Report

Hike Name: Yellowstone National Park - Hellroaring Creek
Country: United States
State: Wyoming
Trip Rating: 3 stars
Trip Date: June 25, 1998
Duration: 2 days
Trail Conditions: Good
Trail Traffic: Light
Trip Weather: Cloudy
Trip Winds: Light to Moderate
Trip Precipitation: Rain, Showers, Thunderstorms
Trip Temperature: High: 51-60, Low: 41-50 degrees Fahrenheit
Trip Report: 6/25/98 – The Ox and I got to the trailhead before noon, and planned to do a loop hike using the Hellroaring and Coyote Creek trails. Unfortunately, drizzle and cold temps kept us from hitting the trail when we arrived. The Ox and I decided to take a side trip to the Mammoth area to see if the rain would stop. It finally did around 2pm, and fizzled out as we hiked our first mile to the suspension bridge. The National Park Service guys were hard at work on the bridge when we arrived, and the views into the canyon were pretty impressive. The Ox and I took off our rain gear at the bridge and hiked onward. The Ox took the Coyote Creek Trail up the ridge through a beautiful meadow, but this was not taking us to our campsite so we ended up bushwhacking back down to the Hellroaring Creek Trail just before Stock bridge. The views from the Coyote Creek trail were impressive, and the water was raging down Hellroaring Creek. Both The Ox and I were glad to find a bridge here and avoid the ford.

We hiked past where campsite 2H9 was marked on the map, but eventually found it after discovering a large Elk rack at Stock bridge. The site looked to be past the peak of Hellroaring Mountain from what we could tell, and there was a large Elk or Moose skeleton scattered throughout the site (most likely from a pack of wolves.)

The Ox and I cooked up dinner and a nice campfire in the late afternoon. The water was too muddy and fast to fish this evening, and it clogged my water filter repeatedly. The rain managed to hold off until we got in our sleeping bags around 10:30pm, but we had a major thunderstorm during the night. Before the rain came, I read an Outside Magazine around the campfire in the quite of the night.

6/26/98 – I woke this morning to an extremely saturated sleeping bag and Thermarest complements of the storms during the night. Somehow, I managed to stay warm through it though. The Ox and I decided to hike out today since it was still drizzling this morning. We made it back to the car by 11am after a 2-2 ½ mile hike along Hellroaring Creek. The drizzle was sporadic which helped, but it was cloudy and cold most of the way. The Park Service issued a “Strong Bear Warning” for this area and we hoped to see some critters, but squirrels were the only mammals that were plentiful on the hike today.


The Ox

5,750 points



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