Long Cane Trail-North Section - February 13, 2011 - Member Trip Report

Hike Name: Long Cane Trail-North Section
Country: United States
State: South Carolina
Trip Rating: 4 stars
Trip Date: February 13, 2011
Duration: 10 hours
Trail Conditions: Fair to Good
Trail Traffic: None
Trip Weather: Partly Sunny, Partly Cloudy
Trip Winds: Light
Trip Precipitation: None
Trip Temperature: High: 31-40, Low: 41-50 degrees Fahrenheit
Trip Report: Trailhead was located across the road from Fell Hunt Camp. I started with a small group of boy scouts who were training to go to Philmont. I split up with the group at the intersection of the connector trail. This begins the Northern Loop. The trail has many various types of scenery. The primary scenery is varying ages of pine plantations. The hike is pretty monotonous due to the large streches of pine plantations. The trail crosses into a lot of hardwood drains which appear to be buffer zones. The trail makes a few stream crossings which are pretty deep. In wet weather, it may be difficult to pass. You cross under a railroad tressle, follow forest service roads, cross a gas pipeline, travel through food plots, and are good trails to see wildlife. I only saw 2 groups of horse riders the whole day, probably due to the trail length. The trail conditions were pretty churned up from horse travel. The connector trail had some of the most interesting scenery with burned pine plantations and open hardwoods of white, red, and cherrybark oaks. The Falcon Guide was non only wrong in location of the trail but very wrong in distance. I would say it was moderate in trail conditions and hiking but difficult in distance.



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