Hike Name: | Panthertown Valley - Granny Burrell Falls |
Country: | United States |
State: | North Carolina |
Trip Rating: | |
Trip Date: | July 26, 2003 |
Duration: | 1 day |
Trail Conditions: | Good |
Trail Traffic: | Moderate |
Trip Weather: | Sunny, Partly Sunny, Partly Cloudy, Cloudy |
Trip Winds: | Light to Moderate |
Trip Precipitation: | Rain, Showers |
Trip Temperature: | High: 81-90, Low: 61-70 degrees Fahrenheit |
Trip Report: | 7/26/03 (Saturday) – DoRag was over at 8:30am this morning to borrow some gear and load up his pack. The Kidd followed by 9am and we on the road within 30 minutes. Got a call from The Camel in route to Cashiers, and he and Sikle had a 30 minute jump on us so we planned to meet at the Happy Hiker in town. Drove to Cashiers by 12 noon and found both of them headed to Subway. Joined them for lunch, then headed for the trailhead at Cold Mt. Gap. Hit the trail around 1pm and was immediately pelted by a light rain for about fifteen minutes. It didn’t rain hard enough to get out the rain jackets and the sun came out within an hour. We hiked straight to Warden Falls without any difficulty and pitched camp after enjoying a quick frosty pop by the water. The Kidd, Sikle and I set-up back in the woods, and The Camel and DoRag took the choice real estate on the beach. Hung out next to the waterfalls briefly, then everyone except the Kidd took a side hike to Granny Burrell Falls. The Camel led us to Upper Warden Falls where we picked up a barely visible trail to a main route through the heart of Panthertown Valley. The GPS and map were critical for this hike, and we still made a wrong turn briefly as we closed in on Granny Burrell Falls. There were numerous backpackers and day hikers in the area this weekend, and more than I’ve every seen before. Most were congregated around Granny Burrell Falls and the Sandbar Pool, however, and we didn’t see a soul north of the main route and near Warden Falls. Hiked first to Granny Burrell Falls then talked the Camel into another five minute hike to the shelter for a quick look. There’s lots of flat areas for camping near the shelter but only two people were staying in the area for the night. Around 5:30pm, we left the shelter area and headed back to Warden Falls. Took a quick jump in the swimming hole to cool off, then got the update from the Kidd that Lance Armstrong won his fifth Tour de France. The Kidd listened to the radio during our two hour hike. I got in a little fishing this evening and caught three trout with five strikes. The largest was about eight inches, but I threw them all back again. Then DoRag and I cooked up some burritos for dinner and the rest of the crew cooked up meals independently. After dinner, we had a nice fire on the beach and had some drinks until around midnight. |
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