Panthertown Valley-Big Green Mountain Excursion - November 16, 2013 - Member Trip Report

Hike Name: Panthertown Valley-Big Green Mountain Excursion
Country: United States
State: North Carolina
Trip Rating: 4 stars
Trip Date: November 16, 2013
Duration: 6 hours
Trail Conditions: Fair
Trail Traffic: Light to Moderate
Trip Weather: Cloudy
Trip Winds: Light
Trip Precipitation: None
Trip Temperature: High: 51-60, Low: 41-50 degrees Fahrenheit
Trip Report: Hiked with the Columbia Outdoors Society. The weather was warm, in the high 50s low 60s. It was overcast and cloudy almost all day. Visited schoolhouse falls. You can walk all the way around and under the falls which was pretty cool. The trail conditions were kind of muddy. because it rained the night before. We went a little slow because we were exploring new trails. When we did the great wall trail there were awesome views of the Great Wall Cliffs. We then went exploring up an unmarked trail straight up big green. It was 500' in .40 miles. No marked trail. no switchbacks, straight up. It was all smooth sailing downhill after that back to the truck.



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