Unicoi Gap to Woody Gap - October 11, 2010 - Member Trip Report

Hike Name: Unicoi Gap to Woody Gap
Country: United States
State: Georgia
Trip Rating: 5 stars
Trip Date: October 11, 2010
Duration: 3 days
Trail Conditions: Excellent
Trail Traffic: Light
Trip Weather: Sunny, Partly Cloudy, Cloudy
Trip Winds: Light
Trip Precipitation: None, Thunderstorms, Hail
Trip Temperature: High: 71-80, Low: 41-50 degrees Fahrenheit
Trip Report: It was a great trip down from NJ, 13 hour drive. The drive on the first day is always fun, the home drive not so much. We drove to Blue Ridge Ga and stayed with a hikers family who were our shuttle. They fed us, watered us and boarded us, nice.
We hit bad weather at the end of the second day, hard rain with lightening and hail. Thankfully our trail angels came and got us at neels gap gave us a chance to square our gear away and back out in the AM. Its not cheating, its smart hiking. We finished the hikeand there were some blisters in the group but otherwise a great trip. 16 hours back to NJ.



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