Allatoona Pass - February 3, 2008 - Member Trip Report

Hike Name: Allatoona Pass
Country: United States
State: Georgia
Trip Rating: 4 stars
Trip Date: February 3, 2008
Duration: 2 hours
Trail Conditions: Excellent
Trail Traffic: Light to Moderate
Trip Weather: Partly Sunny
Trip Winds: Light
Trip Precipitation: None
Trip Temperature: High: 41-50, Low: 21-30 degrees Fahrenheit
Trip Report: This was an excellent short easy trail 🙂 Perfect for a lazy stoll with the pups. I loved the fact that there were interpretive signs giving you an idea of what took place during the battle. Walking around in the forts and looking out the cannon holes was really cool. You can just imagine thousands of men rushing up the hills below. The hike took you down to an old railroad bed that was paved over and runs along the lake. You hike on it for about 1.4 miles. When we were there GA was in drought conditions and the lake looked very pitiful! Hardly like a lake at all. Its hard to see such a beautiful lake reduced to a polluted stream.

But the hike was wonderful none the less. It was nice to be outside hiking and learning a bit of history at the same time 🙂


Drip Dry

5,850 points



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