Allatoona Pass - April 5, 2009 - Member Trip Report

Hike Name: Allatoona Pass
Country: United States
State: Georgia
Trip Rating: 4 stars
Trip Date: April 5, 2009
Duration: 2 hours
Trail Conditions: Good
Trail Traffic: None
Trip Weather: Sunny
Trip Winds: None
Trip Precipitation: None
Trip Temperature: High: Below 0, Low: Below 0 degrees Fahrenheit
Trip Report: Trails
3.4 miles in and out
The first part of the trail is pretty rigged (for a mom with a baby) and requires a carrier.
It is through the woods, along the lake edge; lots of shade.
Very secluded - come prepared with mace, etc
Once you get into the pass, the path is very flat and stroller friendly. If you want, you can get to the pass from the parking lot, avoiding the woods, and just use a stroller. Not sure how long that path is.

There is no playground equipment
Kids can splash in the water in some areas

Dogs are allowed - there were lots of people with dogs
This is a great historic area so be sure to print out the Georgia Trails summary (see above)



1,350 points



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