Red Box To San Gabriel Peak, Mount Disappointment - November 24, 2005 - Member Trip Report

Hike Name: Red Box To San Gabriel Peak, Mount Disappointment
Country: United States
State: California
Trip Rating: 4 stars
Trip Date: November 24, 2005
Duration: 3 hours, 30 minutes
Trail Conditions: Good
Trail Traffic: None
Trip Weather: Partly Cloudy
Trip Winds: Light to Moderate
Trip Precipitation: Rain
Trip Temperature: High: 41-50, Low: 31-40 degrees Fahrenheit
Trip Report: I hiked this one alone.
A few spots of drizzle along the way.
Mostly sunny with clouds coming and going.
Excellent views of nearby ranges but, marine-layer prevented clear views beyond front-range.

I was a little slow starting because, I have not hiked in 3 weeks. I have been sick with strep and then the Flu, and have not worked out in that time. I was really feeling it for the first half of this hike. I took a few "breath" breaks in between.

7:30=Start, first switchbacks a little steep
8:05=snack break
8:38=Meet with fire road at 1.3mile mark follow road up to saddle
8:44=Reach saddle, rest, take in view.
9:00=Resume, follw trail up to San Gabriel Peak
9:22=Summit, San Gabriel peak
9:45=Depart Summit
9:57=Back at saddle, No stop. Follow Mount Disappointment Fire road to summit.
10:08=Reach Mt. Disappointment summit.
10:20=Leave Summit
10:31=At intersection of trail/fire road. Continue down trail.
11:00=At Truck



7,650 points



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