Mesa Verde National Park - Spruce Tree House Trail - October 22, 2010 - Member Trip Report

Hike Name: Mesa Verde National Park - Spruce Tree House Trail
Country: United States
State: Colorado
Trip Rating: 4 stars
Trip Date: October 22, 2010
Duration: 30 minutes
Trail Conditions: Excellent
Trail Traffic: Heavy
Trip Weather: Cloudy
Trip Winds: Light
Trip Precipitation: Rain
Trip Temperature: High: 41-50, Low: 41-50 degrees Fahrenheit
Trip Report: We started down this trail expecting to get rained on, and we did. At least the rain storms the whole time we were at Mesa Verde were intermittent, so we expected to be able to take cover, wait it out, and then continue on. It didn't exactly work that way. Going down from the museum it was dry. We were grateful for that as the pavement on the trail has recently been sealed, and as steep as the trail is, we thought it might be rather slippery going down when wet. The rain began lightly at first, while we were exploring the ruins. We were under the shelter of the cliff while we were exploring the ruins of Spruce Tree House, but the rain did not let up as expected, so when we left to return to the trail head, we had a steady rain to hike in. That turned into a downpour right about the time we got to the top.



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