sunnybrook to burr pond - Member Hike

Hike Name: sunnybrook to burr pond
Country: United States
State: Connecticut
Nearby Town: torrington
Rating: 4 stars
Directions: newfield rd
park at sunnybrook parking lot
walk across the street by the bridge and follow blue trail
Total Hike Distance: 4.00 miles
Hike Difficulty: Easy to Moderate
Permit Required: No
Hike Type: One-Way, Shuttle Hike
Hike Starts: sunnybrook
Hike Ends: burr pond
Trails Used: blue
Backcountry Campsites: No
Backcountry Water Sources: Streams, Rivers
Management: Bureau of Land Management
Contact Information: ???
Best Season: Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall
Users: Hikers, Dogs
Road Conditions:
Hike Summary: awesome hike
over the mt. and through the woods, to burr pond u go



2,350 points


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