Quinault Rain Forest Nature Trail - Member Hike

Hike Name: Quinault Rain Forest Nature Trail
Country: United States
State: Washington
Nearby Town: Aberdeen, WA
Rating: 1 star
Directions: From Aberdeen you will travel north on US Highway 101 for approximately 45 miles to the junction of South Shore Road. Turn right (east) and then drive for another 1.4 miles to the Quinault Rain Forest Trailhead on right hand side of South Shore Road.
Total Hike Distance: 0.50 miles
Hike Difficulty: Easy
Permit Required: Yes
Hike Type: Roundtrip, Loop Hike
Hike Starts/Ends: from parking area
Trails Used: Quinault Rain Forest Nature Trail
Backcountry Campsites: No
Backcountry Water Sources: Streams, Rivers, Springs
Management: National Park Service
Contact Information: Pacific Ranger District-Quinault office
Best Season: Summer
Users: Hikers, Dogs
Road Conditions: Maintained Gravel or Dirt Roads
Hike Summary: Before starting this hike you need to register and pay the $5.00 per vehicle permit at the self pay kiosk, unless you have a national park pass. This short day hike begins at the parking area next to a trail head sign for the Quinault Rain Forest Nature Trail. You can go either right or left. I started out by going left on the trail so I could go see the giant Sitka spruce tree. The trail starts out fairly level and is even wheelchair accessible for a short section of the trail. There are educational signs along the trail with some interesting information about the trail and facts about the local area. Shortly after the extremely large sitka spruce tree there is another trail that splits off to the left and descends down a set of stairs by Willaby Creek while this trail continues to the right and uphill slightly. There is a fence along the areas closest to Willaby Creek so you won't fall in because the trail begins to narrow at this point. The view of the creek and rainforest is very cool and invigorating as you learn about the habitat and how different things impact it. After a brisk 1/2 mile hike part of which is uphill you end back at the sign and kiosk where you first began.



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