Hoye-Crest - Member Hike

Hike Name: Hoye-Crest
Country: United States
State: Maryland
Nearby Town: Aurora, West Virginia
Rating: 4 stars
Directions: From Aurora, West Virginia, head east on US-50 for approximately 1.5 miles before turning right onto WV-24. Drive another 5.5 miles, and take a slight right onto US-219. Drive another 1.0 miles and the trail head / logging road will be on the left. There are turn-out areas on either side of the road.
Total Hike Distance: 2.20 miles
Hike Difficulty: Easy
Permit Required: No
Hike Type: In & Out, Backtrack Hike
Hike Starts/Ends: Logging Road on US-219
Trails Used: Logging Road / Maryland High Point Trail
Backcountry Campsites: No
Backcountry Water Sources: None
Management: Private Property
Contact Information: The Logging Road / Maryland High Point Trail is located mostly within the Monongahela National Forest, while the high point itself is located on private property.

Monongahela National Forest
200 Sycamore Street
Elkins, West Virginia 26241
Phone: (304) 636-1800

Cheat-Potomac Ranger District
HC 59 Box 240
Petersburg, West Virginia 26847
Phone: (304) 257-4488, ext. 0
Best Season: Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall
Users: Hikers
Road Conditions: Primary Paved Roads
Hike Summary: Hoye-Crest, a summit along Backbone Mountain with an elevation of 3,360 feet, is the highest natural point in Maryland. The hike to the summit is a relatively easy 1.1-mile climb. There are numerous trees with red spray painted "HP" markings along the trail so it easy to find your way, even when the ground is covered in snow. The elevation gain is approximately 712 feet.



24,800 points


Trip Reports

  Date Rating Duration Hiker
Hoye-Crest - January 29, 2015 January 29, 2015 4 stars 1 hour Moondoggy


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