I just used https://www.translate.com/services/pdf-translation/spanish to translate a PDF document into Spanish, and I can share my experience. In general, the process was quite simple: you upload a file, choose a language and wait for the service to translate it. But it’s worth noting that the quality of translation can vary depending on the complexity of the text. For example, if you have a document with technical terminology, the automatic translation may not always be accurate. I was translating a scientific article and some terms were translated incorrectly. This caused confusion, because in scientific texts it is important that every term is accurately translated. So, if you have a document with multi-level explanations or specialized vocabulary, it might be a good idea to consult a professional translator to avoid misunderstandings. As for formatting, I had some problems. After translation, tables and graphs looked a bit different than they should and I had to manually correct them in Word. PDFs can contain many elements that are not automatically handled correctly, so prepare yourself for the fact that you may have to fix the formatting.