In April 2009 I plan to ride My bike with my dog buddy in a trailer from Fan Francisco to Delaware A 5,000+ mile coast to coast bike tour on the American Discovery Trail.
The American Discovery Trail (ADT) is a new breed of national trail — part city, part small town, part forest, part mountains, part desert —all in one trail. Its 6,800+ miles of continuous, multi-use trail stretches from Cape Henlopen State Park, Delaware, to Pt. Reyes National Seashore, California. It reaches across America, linking community to community in the first coast to coast, non-motorized trail. The ADT provides trail users the opportunity to journey into the heart of all that is uniquely American — its culture, heritage, landscape and spirit.
We have taken long trips in the past the biggest most resent trip Buddy & I have taken was a 3 week 300 mile bike tour in southern Oregon last Aug. We rode From Klamath Falls, Lake of the woods, Willow Lake, Butte Falls, Prospect, Union Creek, Diamond Lake, Lemelo Lake and up and over Crater Lake. total It was an awesome adventure to say the least. buddy was an excellent road dog.
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