Indian Cave State Park - November 21, 2015 - Member Trip Report

Hike Name: Indian Cave State Park
Country: United States
State: Nebraska
Trip Rating: 4 stars
Trip Date: November 21, 2015
Duration: 2 hours
Trail Conditions: Good
Trail Traffic: Light to Moderate
Trip Weather: Sunny, Partly Sunny
Trip Winds: Light to Moderate
Trip Precipitation: None
Trip Temperature: High: 51-60, Low: 21-30 degrees Fahrenheit
Trip Report: We drove over to Indian Cave State Park which is situated above the Missouri River and was the biggest surprise of the trip. After checking out the views from an overlook on the ridge, we took Trail #3 down to the river.

The trail dropped through a lightly wooded meadow with prairie grass that was lit up in the late afternoon sun. It was a pleasant descent which leveled off as the trail reached the Missouri River. I noticed a shelter on the ridge and talked Therm Rider in to the steep climb to check it out. It turns out that there were three shelters – two of which were occupied by backpackers tonight. They looked a lot like the old pre-90’s Appalachian Trail shelters – some which you can still find on the A.T. today.

Two of the guys camping here had a proto-type of a four pound camping toilet that they wanted us to check out. I think I’ll stick to my backpacker’s trowel until a lighter model hits the market, but it was an interesting concept to say the least.

After the product review, we got them to snap our pic on the ridge overlooking the river. Then we made it back to the trailhead just as the sun was setting.



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