Chino Hills State park- Diemer loop - March 24, 2006 - Member Trip Report

Hike Name: Chino Hills State park- Diemer loop
Country: United States
State: California
Trip Rating: 5 stars
Trip Date: March 24, 2006
Duration: 2 hours, 15 minutes
Trail Conditions: Excellent
Trail Traffic: Light
Trip Weather: Partly Sunny
Trip Winds: Light
Trip Precipitation: None
Trip Temperature: High: 61-70, Low: 61-70 degrees Fahrenheit
Trip Report: This was one of the best hikes I've done as far as multiple wildlife sightings.

I started in the late afternoon and hiked in the West direction of the loop (most strenuos).

At the top of South Ridge I spotted a Bobcat crossing the trail about 25 yards ahead. He stopped and looked at me then quickly continued into the brush. When I reached the place where he was I noticed multiple bobcat tracks in the dried mud, indicating that this was a regular haunt for him. Several yards up was a replanting area where several rabbits where spotted. Hungry bobcats like rabbits.

Once I came down Diemer trail to Telegraph Canyon, the sound of frogs was almost deafening. A little farther up-canyon I spot a large Doe. She stands still in the grass as I approach. She turns towards me for a moment, then retreats into the brush, just a few feet off trail. I approach her within about 15-20 feet. She is calm and does not appear threatening, so I took another picture of her. I then heard the sound of her fawn bleating in the grass behind me so it was time to move on.

I continued, seeing a large owl and a red-tailed hawk during the remainder of my trip. I made it back to my car exactly at sun-down(advertised time was 6:05, I got there at 6:06). Great trip.



Hikers seen=(2)

5.28 miles
Via Rim Crest, west to Diemer loop trail, to Telegraph canyon, to Little Canyon Trail, to South Ridge, To Rimcrest Drive.

Total Time=2:16

Moving Avg=2.9



7,650 points



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