Haunted Hikes of New Hampshire by Marianne O’Connor
Haunted Hikes of New Hampshire by Marianne O’Connor is a fantastic book. O’Connor covers fourteen haunts, and packs each listing with valuable information. As the title says, the fourteen locations are in more of mountainous terrains. Each has about eight to ten pages written about it. With each location, a map is provided showing how steep the terrain is, so readers will know ahead of time how difficult the hike will be. O’Connor rates the area on a scale of one to four ghosts. One being the easiest for families with children and four being the most difficult if you have children or dogs who cannot hike easily.
O’Connor took the time to perform necessary research for readers to plan most of their investigation. The fourteen locations have a page listing if parking and admission is free, where readers can go for more information online, what to look for at the area such as fauna and landmarks, and even more important how long an average hike will take. One of the best assets to have when attending any hike or investigation is knowledge. Hikes of New Hampshire gives readers 75 percent of the knowledge needed for a hike or investigation.
The maps are phenomenally drawn. Each map is a two dimensional topographic that shows roads, trails, ponds, railroads, parking, cemeteries and grave sites, where the location written about is, and a few other smaller markings such as town lines and conservation areas. The maps allow readers to see where they will park, and which trails and roads to follow.
What is great about Haunted Hikes of New Hampshire is that not only can it be used by investigators to find locations to visit, it can also be used by families with or without children to find places to visit on a sunny day and go for a hike. Whether hikers are there for the ghosts or the scenery, something will be found. If parents are looking for ways to get their kids to be active outdoors but are having difficulties catching their kid’s interest, consider this book. Often ghost stories will catch kid’s interest like fish in a net.
Haunted Hikes of New Hampshire gives plenty of information about the history of each location. I give Haunted Hikes of New Hampshire 5 out 5 stars. This book was well researched, and is a great addition to any collection of books, whether readers are interested in hiking, the paranormal, or a book to read in spare time.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sean_Paradis