US Virgin Islands National Park - October 20, 1012 - Member Trip Report

Hike Name: US Virgin Islands National Park
Country: United States Minor Outlying Islands
Region: St. John US Virgin Islands
Trip Rating: 5 stars
Trip Date: October 20, 1012
Duration: 4 hours
Trail Conditions: Fair to Good
Trail Traffic: Light
Trip Weather: Sunny
Trip Winds: None
Trip Precipitation: None
Trip Temperature: High: 81-90, Low: 81-90 degrees Fahrenheit
Trip Report: The trail was pretty steep and the weather was very hot and very humid. Everyone was severely sweating. We reached the peak o f the mountain and the view was amazing. The waters were turquoise blue where there were coral reefs. You could even see St. Thomas. We passed old sugar cane plantation ruins, feral deer, and donkeys. The trail circled along the ocean and some gorgeous beaches. The trail looped back to the National Park Office and we ate lunch at Cruz Bay.



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